CHS Graduation Portfolio
Information in Response to
Frequently Asked Questions by Teachers, Parents, and Advisors

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. Hopefully they can help you if both Mrs. Hackett and Mr. Kelly are unavailable. Remember, if you have questions not listed here, please post any and all comments at the bottom of the page.

Considering the ever developing list below, you may find it easier to use CTRL + F and type in a keyword to find your answer faster.

Use of Advisory Time

1.      Students are required to work on portfolio related matters during advisory time.  The time was established to “increase the level of personalization and the academic growth of students.”    During advisory time, advisors assist students with their portfolios.  

2.      Please use advisory guides as a start.  Once these are done, meet with students individually to check progress and to brainstorm ideas.  Great items for work that can occur during advisory include revision of a major paper, project, or lab; technology paper; reflections for items that need them; plans or documentation for expectation 5; completion of global essay, project, or presentation.

3.      Advisors are to update the number of items students have in their portfolios and to keep track of portfolio checks on PowerSchool and their P-drive folder monthly.


1. Can I use the same evidence piece for multiple expectations?

Take a note from George Costanza: you just don't double dip. Each requirement for the Graduation Portfolio is to prove the worth and distinction of your work and of you as a high school graduate, so each piece is exactly that (its own piece).

2. How many pieces must I have at the end of each year?

Benchmarks: In an effort to support student success and timely completion of students’ graduation portfolios, students must meet the Graduation Portfolio Benchmarks.  Failure to complete the CHS Benchmarks will result in exclusion from class activities.  Class activities include: proms, parking pass, senior picnic, etc. Class benchmarks are:

-          To be a sophomore, students must have entered eight (8) portfolio items, three (3) of which must be from Expectations #1 and #2.
-          To be a junior, students must have entered sixteen (16) portfolio items, six (6) of which must be from Expectations #1 and #2.
-          To be a senior, students must have entered twenty-four (24) portfolio items, nine (9) of which must be from Expectations #1 and #2.

3. I'm a transfer/exchange student and I wanted to know what changes are made for my portfolio.

Modifications are made individually, student by student, and year by year. Considering courses taken year to year it must be done in this way. To find out what modifications you may need, please schedule a meeting with Mrs. Hackett or Mr. Kelly in room SS10 or SS12.

4. Missed an opportunity to revise a portfolio item and now I need it. Where do I get it?

If the original rubric is still in your possession, then you may revise that piece of work and submit it to the after school coordinator for that subject.

If there is no original rubric in your possession, then you must see the after school coordinator for your subject for a new assignment.

5. Does X fit in my portfolio? If so, where?

Since courses are constantly altering the projects given on a year to year basis, the easiest way to check if a piece of work can fit into the portfolio is to ask either the teacher who assigned it, your advisor, Mrs. Hackett, or Mr. Kelly.

6. Which expectations need to have reflections?

Expectation #4 - All 5 culture and the arts submissions

7. What should my reflections include?

Expectation #4

1.) In one or two brief paragraphs, write about the cultural significance of the work of art you have created or performed.

2.) Consider: its quality as art, what kind of cultural statement it makes, and/or how this piece changed your perception of art.

8. After scanning, my file is in the wrong order, can I fix this?

If you have the pdf file opened using Adobe Reader, then no. However, if your computer has Adobe Acrobat or ScanSnap organizer, then you can. Simply open the pages tab on the left hand side and then click-and-hold the page you want to move and then just drag it to where you want it.

9. I'm not a senior so can I not get after school portfolio help?

If you are not a senior then you should be working with the teachers who are assigning the work for remediation in order to earn the grade needed. If you need extra remediation for writing then you may stay after in the writing lab with Mr. Kelly or Mr. Moreau on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.

Expectation Specific
Expectation 5

1.      I  recently planned an event and I’m unsure about how to go about recording that for my portfolio.

The event planning for expectation 5 is a tricky one because depending on the event planned there is different information that is necessary to include and explore. The easiest way to make sure the event planning is done correctly is to stop by SS10/12 and discuss the event with Mrs. Hackett or Mr. Kelly. Either will be able to detail all of the important aspects needed and in what kind of depth.

Expectation 6

1. I know that I completed my Expectation 6 materials, but where are they?

Sign into your computer and access your U drive. Once in the drive look below the file menu and click the search icon (image of the world with a magnifying glass). Files should be saved by one of a few specific names. So, type in a word from or one of the full names below and then click "search now":
- work values sorter
- choices
- basic skills
- interest inventory
- skills inventory

If this search comes up empty, please stop by SS10/12 and either Mr. Kelly or Mrs. Hackett will be able to help you track down the necessary files from waytogori.org.

2.      What are examples of the different ways you can make a presentation of strengths and talents and make connections to the Career Action Plan in Expectation 6? What is it looking for?

First off, the "presentation of strengths and talents and make connections to the Career Action Plan" only needs to be done as a means of reaching for distinction. If you are looking to achieve distinction with this piece, then you must set up a meeting with either Mrs. Hackett or Mr. Kelly in order to organize the presentation.

3.      I've lost my Interest Inventory Log, how do I go about completing another one to put into my portfolio?

If the Interest Inventory was already completed then you will not have to complete it again. The most common issue is that the file was saved but it was not realized. In your U drive search your "Portfolio" folder or use the search icon to find titles including the words "interest" or "inventory".

If this search comes up empty, please stop by SS10/12 and either Mr. Kelly or Mrs. Hackett will be able to help you track down the necessary files from waytogori.org.

Expectation 7

1.      Why is there no box/section to place community service letters? Do I put it into the "Essay, Project, or Presentation" section of Expectation 7?

Community Service does not have its own box in the portfolio. It goes into the same box as the Global Project in the "Essay, Project, or Presentation" box.

Expectation 9

1. What exactly do I do for MoneySKILL?

Keep in mind that this is only necessary if you did not pass or did/will not take Personal Finance. Expect to take approximately 15-20 minutes per module, so please plan accordingly.

- Log into http://www.moneyskill.org/ri
- Click Launch MoneySKILL
- To log in use your Student ID# (user name) and Password. These are the same as you would use to log onto any school computer.
- You will then complete each module. To do so click launch in the right hand column, read or listen to the tutorial then answer the questions that follow.
- You can only access those modules that are unlocked in the status column and shown in green. Only one module is unlocked at a time. The next module will unlock after the prior one is completed.
- The Pretest is unlocked and strongly suggested, but not required to complete.
- If you do not meet the score of a 70, you may go back in and retake a module.
- When ending your session, you must click logout so your session is saved properly.
- Once you have completed all 32 modules with an average score of 70 or better, print out your score sheet and scan into Expectation #9.

2.      If you take the online money skills would you still need to complete the personal finance course offered in the high school?

No, to successfully fulfill the financial portion of Expectation 9 a passing grade must be received and scanned in from EITHER the MoneySKILL online program OR the Personal Finance course offered in the high school.


Mrs. Hackett and Mr. Kelly will meet with all Freshmen advisories for an introductory session in early October.

Sophomores have been trained on the electronic portfolio and will begin to work on ethics and technology essays during sessions with a library media specialist.

Juniors will meet individually with Mr. Kelly to develop a plan for the year.

Mrs. Hackett has identified the progress of Seniors and is giving senior advisors this documentation.  Mrs. Hackett and Mr. Kelly will train all seniors to present their portfolios at a time to be determined.


  • Mrs. Hackett, Mr. Kelly, Mr. MacKenzie, and the Library Media Center staff are working together to ensure all advisories’ students have ample, additional opportunities to use available technologies to complete their portfolios. 

  • If you need more training to help students with scanning, please ask Mrs. Hackett or Mr. Kelly


  1. Can you use the Audit test #2 for expectation 5?

  2. Both Audit Test #1 and #2 can be used for Expectation 5. Just make sure to keep all necessary pieces of the assignment and scan them all into the portfolio.

  3. Question! What if you are unable to present on time, will you be able to present at a later date?

  4. Answer! If you are unable to present on time you will receive a later presentation date. However, you will be placed on a waiting list following the missed date and you will not receive a presentation date until you are completely finished with the portfolio and there is room on the schedule if all other presenters are not complete and if you are next on the waiting list.

  5. I have a question. say you have two narraitves account in your portfolio does that count as one item in your portfollio or two??

    1. Two narrative accounts in Expectation 2 only count as a single item. However, one narrative account can be removed from Expectation 2 and added into Expectation 4 and then be counted as an art piece with a rubric. So two narrative accounts have the potential to count as two items.

  6. What is the earliest a student may present senior year?

  7. The earliest a senior can present his or her portfolio is in November. These presentations are delivered to either a Freshmen or a Junior advisory during the school day. if interested, please see either Mr. Kelly or Mrs. Hackett!
